In our 2 Corinthians Sunday School class, we have noticed that Paul refers to his writing of the letter often. In Chapter 2 he writes, "And I wrote as I did..." (2:3); "For I wrote to you..." (2:4); "For this is why I wrote..." (2:9).
The church at Corinth had a few problems. Interestingly, Paul says he desired to come to them but decided that a letter might hopefully accomplish the same result.
So Paul writes this letter, sends it to the church, and indeed, the church reads the letter, the Spirit of God applies the truth Paul writes to their hearts, and we read later on (in Chapter 7) that it had a profound affect in the way they treated each other. Paul's letter produced repentance, "For see what earnestness this Godly grief has produced in you, but also what eagerness to clear yourselves..." (2 Cor.7:11).
God's Word is meant to produce good fruit in our lives. It is especially provided to us for this purpose. But we have to read it!
This is the beauty of what God accomplished through the Apostle Paul. Paul knew he couldn't be everywhere to straighten out the problems of all the churches. What Paul wrote to the Corinthians way back then, is also God's Word to us today.
But the crux of the matter is whether we believe what is written in the Scripture is actually the Word of God - or the word of men.
It has been my observation that many men struggle with this point. Once they have convinced themselves (sometimes by other men), that the Scripture is suspect (too complicated, not written for our day and age, offers an opinion only, etc), then Satan takes advantage of this unbelief and our lives do not reflect the truth of God's Word.
If this is where you are at, or headed, Paul writes, "For this is why I wrote, that I might test you and know whether you are obedient in everything." (2 Cor. 2:9).
The word "test" is better understood as "prove". Obeying the Word of God "proves" our salvation.
The Corinthians found great joy in being obedient to what was written to them. I hope that our church, and the individuals within it, can also live in that joy.
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